유익한 전략기획 6단계
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작성자 최고관리자 작성일15-04-11 16:07 조회776회 댓글0건본문
1. 미래 트렌드, 고객니즈, 시장기회에 관한 데이터를 수집하라(Gather data on future trends, customer needs, market opportunities)
Get both your finance people and your strategic planning people to gather this information. Share it with managers, team leaders and team members. Bring everyone in on the big picture.
2. 과거 재무성과에 관한 데이터를 수집하라(Gather data on past financial performance)
Get your managers, team leaders and team members to work with your finance people to collate information on past financial performance. Where is the money coming from? Where is it going? What is it being spent on? What are the patterns? What story are the numbers telling you?
3. 당신의 현재 위치로부터 당신이 장차 되고자 원하는 위치에 이르는 플랜을 설정하라(Set plans to get from where you are to where you want to be)
Now that you have that information you can set strategy. Bring as many people as possible into the planning process. Your strategic team should set strategic goals and targets based on the data. Your strategic team should not just consist of senior managers. Make sure you have a multi level, multi functional strategic team. Your strategic team should be diverse but at the same time highly business literate.
Then involve your team leaders and team members in how they can achieve those goals.
4. 그 플랜을 현실화하기 위한 자원 할당 예산을 확정하라(Set budgets to allocate resources to make the plans a reality)
Make sure the budgets support your plans. Make sure the budgets are shaped by the plans, not the other way around.
5. 플랜실천 진도를 재검토할 스케쥴을 만들어라(Set a schedule to review progress)
Once you have set plans, set up as part of the plan to review the progress at least quarterly if not monthly.
6. 구성원들을 축하/칭찬하라(Celebrate progress)
Celebrate progress. Success breeds success.
By celebrating you are not only acknowledging people (which most people need.) but you are sharing how the progress was made. You are cross-pollinating ideas to others when you celebrate. You are catalysing others to also make progress when you celebrate.
Why do Richard Branson of Virgin or Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airlines find hundreds of reasons each year to celebrate with their teams? Because they know it pays big dividends.
1. 미래 트렌드, 고객니즈, 시장기회에 관한 데이터를 수집하라(Gather data on future trends, customer needs, market opportunities)
Get both your finance people and your strategic planning people to gather this information. Share it with managers, team leaders and team members. Bring everyone in on the big picture.
2. 과거 재무성과에 관한 데이터를 수집하라(Gather data on past financial performance)
Get your managers, team leaders and team members to work with your finance people to collate information on past financial performance. Where is the money coming from? Where is it going? What is it being spent on? What are the patterns? What story are the numbers telling you?
3. 당신의 현재 위치로부터 당신이 장차 되고자 원하는 위치에 이르는 플랜을 설정하라(Set plans to get from where you are to where you want to be)
Now that you have that information you can set strategy. Bring as many people as possible into the planning process. Your strategic team should set strategic goals and targets based on the data. Your strategic team should not just consist of senior managers. Make sure you have a multi level, multi functional strategic team. Your strategic team should be diverse but at the same time highly business literate.
Then involve your team leaders and team members in how they can achieve those goals.
4. 그 플랜을 현실화하기 위한 자원 할당 예산을 확정하라(Set budgets to allocate resources to make the plans a reality)
Make sure the budgets support your plans. Make sure the budgets are shaped by the plans, not the other way around.
5. 플랜실천 진도를 재검토할 스케쥴을 만들어라(Set a schedule to review progress)
Once you have set plans, set up as part of the plan to review the progress at least quarterly if not monthly.
6. 구성원들을 축하/칭찬하라(Celebrate progress)
Celebrate progress. Success breeds success.
By celebrating you are not only acknowledging people (which most people need.) but you are sharing how the progress was made. You are cross-pollinating ideas to others when you celebrate. You are catalysing others to also make progress when you celebrate.
Why do Richard Branson of Virgin or Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airlines find hundreds of reasons each year to celebrate with their teams? Because they know it pays big dividends.
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