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Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Beyond (19 January SEOUL

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일18-01-21 22:31 조회919회 댓글0건


모든 진행은 모두 영어와 한국어로 진행됩니다.

All program is spoken by both Korean and English.

o Refer YouTuBe live on time :


실시간 문의: 카카오오픈방(Korean): https://open.kakao.com/o/goONyuD


January 19, 2018 18:30 ~ 21:30
Location: TIPS TOWN (B1 floor, TIPS Holl) : Yoksam station Exit2(Line No.2)

Google map : https://goo.gl/maps/xy79nMRB6kH2
Meeting called by Facilitator Name: Hans (Namkyu) Choi
18:30 PM - 21:30 PM Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Beyond and Innovations
블록체인 & 암호화폐 세미나

Description: We welcome all of those who are interested in blockchain technology and cryptocurrency
블록체인, 가상화폐에 관심있는 모든 분~! 환영합니다
This is an international blockchain event, participants are from international blockchain companies, startups and scholars
국내외 블럭체인 기업, 스타트업, 교수진 등을 초청하는 국제적인 블록체인 세미나입니다

#### PROGRAM #####
18:30 PM - 18:50 PM Warming up and Networking
18:50 PM - 18:55 PM Opening message
Speaker: Hans (Namkyu) Choi (최남규), Openchain's CEO & blockchain developer community co-founder

19:00 PM - 19:10 PM Item #1
Topic: Blockchain ecosystem and P2P service design considerations
Speaker: BITRAY's CEO JungRyun Lee (이정륜)
Singapol future exchange’s Ethereum base smart contract project
19:15 PM - 19:35 PM Item #2
Topic: Currency Baskets and GC platform
Speaker: Globcoin's CEO, Helie (Switzerland)

19:45 PM - 20:05 PM Item #3
Topic: Next generation blockchain-enabled messaging Speaker: Suchapp's Korean Advisor, Hans

20:10 PM - 20:20 PM Item #4
Topic: Blockchain technology
Speaker: ISSAC-KAIST's president, Muhammad Shakil Scholar

20:25 PM - 20:45 PM Item #5
Topic: Eliminates counterfeit drugs: 위조약품 방지
Speaker: FarmaTrust's Korean community manager, Mr. JangKyum Kim (김장겸, KAIST 박사과정)

20:50 PM - 21:10 PM Item #6
Topic: A global P2P lending ecosystem
Speaker: FintruX's CMO, Conrad Lin & Business Advisor, Yash Mody (Canada)

Additional Instruction:
21:10 PM - 21:30 PM: Token giveaway & draw lots for those who stay until the end (SuchApp ,Globcoin, FintruX,)
이벤트 마지막 순서로 전체 4개 ICO 회사의 토큰을 선물로 드리는 추첨 행사가 있을예정이니 관심 가져 주시기 바랍니다. (SuchApp,Globcoin, FintruX, FarmaTrust)

• 선착순 400분께는 각 토큰당 1달러, 총 4달러 상당의 토큰을 선물로 드립니다
First 400 attendants will be given tokens for a value of $1, total of $4 in tokens

o SuchApp: http://www.suchapp.io/
-KaKao chatting: https://open.kakao.com/o/gRn1hzF
o Globcoin: https://globcoin.io/
- Kakao chatting : https://open.kakao.com/o/g9WJcrE
o FintruX: http:/www.fintrux.com
- Kakao chatting : https://open.kakao.com/o/gb3Ja0E
o FarmaTrust : https://www.farmatrust.com/
- Kakao chatting :https://open.kakao.com/o/g0ShpmF

Token giveaway & draw lots of 4 ICOs, please until the end
• 각 토큰당 100만원 , 총 400만원 상당의 토큰 선물 및 추첨 행사가 진행될 예정입니다
Each token 1000 USD, total 4000 USD will be given away in token and draw lots

• 추첨을 통해 각 회사별 12명, 총 48명의 당첨자에게 각 50달러 상당의 토큰을 선물로 드립니다
Each ICO 12 winners, total of 48 winners will be given tokens for a value of $50 as a draw lots

• 단 추첨행사 전에 해당 ICO의 회원 가입이 완료(KYC가 있는 경우 KYC포함)된 분에 한해 당첨 자격이 부여됩니다
To participate to token giveaways & draws and claim your gift, you MUST complete registration for each ICO and EKYC if needed

Please Note:
Registrations: https://onoffmix.com/event/123316
실시간 문의: 카카오오픈방(Korean): https://open.kakao.com/o/goONyuD
Blockchain developer community: http://cafe.naver.com/blockchaindev

Chat room(English): https://t.me/joinchat/HgdJFUhzcqC00sW1uE2VIw
Blockchain developer community:

Email Contact: openchain@naver.com

Expected Audience: 600 

600명의 청중이 예상됩니다   


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